Help! What does it mean if my vehicle has been recalled?

Most days retrieving the mail is typically a mundane task. When we least expect it, though, we get mail that makes our heart race. Letters from long lost friends, holiday or birthday greeting cards, vehicle recall notices – they all have the ability to make our hearts skip a beat and the breath to catch in our throats. Unlike correspondence from friends, though, vehicle recall notices can be stress inducing. What is involved in a recall and what do you do if your vehicle is part of one?


Converting a Convertible: Going from Rear Facing to Forward Facing

One big decision plaguing many caregivers who visit our Facebook group is deciding when it’s time to turn their child’s car seat forward facing. When the child is at least two years old, and has outgrown the rear facing height or weight limits on their convertible car seat, the decision has been made for us, and it’s time to convert the car seat to forward facing mode.