Britax Combination Seat Comparison

Britax offers three combination seats: the Pioneer, the Frontier, and the Pinnacle. These seats are forward facing seats that have a harness, but convert to high back boosters as well. We’re often asked what the differences are, so we’ve compiled a comparison for you.


Eddie Bauer Deluxe Highback 65 Review

Eddie Bauer is a child restraint brand manufactured by Dorel Juvenile Products, which also produces the Cosco, Safety 1st, and Maxi-Cosi brands in North America.

The Deluxe Highback 65 is a combination seat, meant for forward facing children using a 5pt harness and also to transition into a high backed booster for older children. The Deluxe Highback 65 is a combination seat, meant for forward facing children using a 5pt harness and also to transition into a high backed booster for older children. With a 65lb 49″ forward facing harness limit, and a 100lb 52″ booster limit, this seat promises to last a child for a long time, hopefully until that child is ready for a no back booster.


Graco Argos 80 Elite 3-in-1 Review

For the last several years Graco has had two combination seats available for purchase, the Argos 65 and the Nautilus. Both models have two modes: forward-facing harnessed mode and a booster mode that fits most children well. These seats have been around for a while and are two very popular options at CSFTL because they fit a range of children well and have a lot of great ease-of-use features.


Britax Pioneer Review

I’ll start this review with a confession: I’m a huge fan of Britax seats. My oldest daughter rode in a Britax Wizard for most of her rear facing years and my younger daughter still rides in a Britax Boulevard occasionally. I’ve found these seats very easy to install and use properly and the Wizard made me an early fan of the no rethread harness. For the record, the “best” seat is the one that the caregiver can install and use properly *every* time.


Kiddy World Plus Review

Kiddy USA generously offered us a Kiddy World Plus for review, and I was eager to try one. Unlike any other child restraint in the US, this seat has a protection shield instead of a 5-point harness. This type of restraint is new to the US, but is fairly common in Europe, where restraints similar to this one are seen more frequently.


Evenflo SecureKid Review

Evenflo is a long-standing manufacturer of a variety of children’s products. Among those products is our favorite: car seats! When Evenflo offered CSFTL the chance to review multiple incarnations of their popular SecureKid combination seat, naturally we said yes!