Celebrate our Milestone: 300,000 Facebook Group Members!

When our Facebook group began in 2011, we had no idea how much we’d grow.  We could not have imagined that today, we’d be sharing the great news that the tiny group that started with a handful of members has grown to include over 300,000 members!!!

Our story started with a commitment to helping caregivers select, install, and use their car seats properly. It has expanded into a vision where one day, every family is able to achieve that goal.  As we’ve grown from a small group of dedicated advocates into a non-profit organization with a global reach, we’ve also expanded our vision to include doing everything we can to increase awareness around hot car deaths.

Since those early days, we’ve not only increased our membership, we’ve also developed important relationships with car seat manufacturers. In most cases, those relationships give us a great way to provide feedback. Thanks to the issues you’ve shared in our group and the expertise of our team, we’ve been able to pass those struggles along. In many cases, we’ve been able to inspire small and large changes to car seats, soft goods (aka, covers), and manuals.

Since this exciting milestone coincided with CPS Week 2018, we’re thrilled to share more giveaways with you! Our friends at bily, Chicco, Graco, and Evenflo are joining us in celebrating our reach with a giveaway of a whopping TEN car seats and booster seats for our readers both in the United States and Canada!

Our reach is so important to us but its all because of you, dear readers. Your tireless advocacy, feedback, and support are changing the way children ride.

You keep kids safer every day.

Please visit each car seat or booster seat’s review to enter the giveaways.  Each one is linked here and there’s a contest at the bottom of each review.

Thank you all again, and we look forward to the next 300,000 members!

Visit each car seat or booster seat’s review to enter for your chance to win!


bily backless booster seat

Our Canadian friends have a great carpooling option in the bily backless booster seat and we’re thrilled that Elfe Juvenile products is helping us give one away as part of this celebration!

Graco Milestone

Graco Milestone

Graco Milestone

To celebrate our Milestone of having 300,000 members in our Facebook group, Graco is offering a Milestone of its own! This multimode car seat remains one of our favorite car seats. It rear faces, forward faces, and works well as a transitional booster seat.



Graco Extend2Fit

Graco Extend2Fit

In addition! Our friends at Graco have also offered our readers in the United States a giveaway of an Extend2Fit convertible car seat for one lucky winner. We’re thrilled to offer this long-lasting, well-featured convertible car seat as part of this exciting celebration.

Chicco KidFit for Canada

Chicco KidFit

Here’s another one for you, Canada! Chicco has offered a KidFit for one lucky Canadian winner. We know our big kids are our most vulnerable passengers, so we are big fans of this booster seat for older riders.

Graco Contenders for Canada

Graco Contender

Graco Contender

Canadian readers, we’ve got something for you, better yet, two somethings! Graco is giving away two Graco Contenders! This lightweight convertible car seat has a high 18 inch top harness slot, a no rethread harness, and it installs without trouble. It’s been a CSFTL favorite since it was first released.

Thank YOU!

Thank you once again for joining us on this incredible journey. It’s taken all of us to places we’d never imagined possible. And that journey all started with you.

Thanks to you, many, many children are safer than ever before!