The Graco SnugRide Click Connect 35 LX is one of several rear facing only seats in the Graco lineup. We’ve been given the chance to give it a test run and have been pleasantly surprised by how it does.

Graco SnugRide Click Connect 35 LX
CSFTL Quick Stats
- Weight range: 4-35 pounds
- Height range: 32 inches or less
- Shell height: 19.5 inches
- Lowest harness position: 5 inches
- Weight (carrier only): 7.5 pounds
- Expiration: 7 years
- Handle position: Any locked position
- Two position adjustable crotch strap (5.5, 7 inches)
- No rethread harness
- Infant insert for smaller infants
- Adjustable recline foot
- Push button lower anchor connectors
- Multi-age level indicator
- Seat belt lockoff on base
Unique Features
Two position adjustable crotch strap, measuring 5.5 and 7 inches, helps keep both small and big infants comfortable without the crotch strap sitting either too far or too close to them. Graco gives no recommendations for when is the appropriate time to move the buckle, but ideally the buckle should be as close to the child as possible.
The no rethread harness adjusts by squeezing together two red buttons on the back of the car seat, then sliding the adjuster to the correct position. The harness and head support move together when adjusting.
Infant insert for smaller infants can be used up to 12 pounds and does a great job of keeping little infants correctly positioned and comfortable.
Adjustable recline foot is adjustable with just the twist of a red knob on the front of the base. This allows the Click Connect 35 LX the ability to be correctly reclined in a wide array of vehicles.
Push button lower anchor connectors are stored on the underside of the base and easily push onto vehicle lower anchor connectors. They are released by pressing the red button.
Multi-age level indicator on the base allows the infant to be more reclined (under 3 months of age) or to sit more upright (3 months plus). This allows older infants the chance the sit up more and look out the window and the younger infants to have the proper recline so there is no head slump.

Graco SnugRide Click Connect 35 LX seat belt lockoff
Seat belt lock-off on base helps with ease of seat belt installation by allowing the seat belt to be locked using the base, rather than locking the belt in another way. Learn more about how to lock your vehicle’s seat belt.
- Expiration: 7 years
- Handle position: Any locked position
With Base

Graco SnugRide Click Connect 35 LX base installation
The Graco SnugRide Click Connect 35 LX can be installed with either seat belt or lower anchors. To install via lower anchors, just thread the straps through the belt path over the seat belt lock off, connect the push button connectors to the vehicle anchors and tighten.
The only potential issue I had with lower anchor installation in my vehicle is the button to loosen the strap sits right under the belt path. This could cause the base to potentially push the button. I just made sure the button laid all the way through the belt path so it didn’t push on it.
Seat belt installation is easy with a seat belt lockoff incorporated into the base. To install using these lock-off you just unclip the red lever from under the gray clip, thread the seat belt through the belt path, tighten, then clip the red lever under the grey clip.
Without Base
Like most other rear facing only seats on the market, the Graco SnugRide Click Connect 35 LX can also be installed without the base. This can help with tight 3 across situations, routinely switching the seat between vehicles, and traveling. To install, set the car seat on the vehicle seat, line up the level to ground line to level, thread the seat belt through the plastic guides on the car seat, lock the seat belt, press your weight into the back of the car seat, and tighten. The lap belt will be the only belt going through the belt guides on the car seat. The shoulder belt will lay against the vehicle seat back. It does NOT allow Euro routing, where the shoulder belt routes behind the car seat, like some other rear facing only car seats on the market.
Fit To Child
- Weight range: 4-35 pounds
- Height range: 32 inches or less or when the top of the child’s head is 1 inch from the top of the head to the top of the head support
Huggable Images preemie doll, 4 pounds, 17 inches long
Our preemie had a great fit in the Graco SnugRide Click Connect 35 LX. The infant insert is optional for children who weigh up to 12 pounds, so we left it in the seat for her. Even with the insert, the harness is just barely below her shoulders. That’s about what we’d expect since she’s a preemie!
The crotch buckle is allowed to be threaded through the front slot, then through the slot closer to the child. This pulled the buckle down nicely so it doesn’t sit awkwardly on her belly. The large head support gave her ample support as well.
Our newborn Huggable Images Newborn doll weighs 7 pounds and is 17 inches long. The seat fit her well. She had ample head support and body support from the infant insert. Her shoulders were just a bit over the bottom harness position and I left the crotch buckle at the smaller setting.
Older Infant
10 months, 23 pounds, 29″
13 months 23 pounds, 30″
Our older infant fits great in this seat! Plenty of room to grow still. He has plenty of harness length left still and a few more clicks of the headrest. I don’t foresee it lasting him until the stated 35 pound weight limit, but he will most likely hit the height limit before his head is 1 inch from the top of the head support. The head support fits him nicely as well. The car seat is also wide so it accommodates his larger width.
Side Overhang
When this car seat is installed on the plus one or jump seat of a minivan, Graco has confirmed up to 20% of the base can overhang the edge of the vehicle seat.
Important Information: Where to Find
FAA certification can be found on page 42 of the instruction manual and on a sticker on the side of the seat.
Expiration range can be found on page 7 of the manual as well as stamped into the plastic on the bottom of the car seat.
Overall Impression
I’ve been very impressed with the Graco SnugRide Click Connect 35 LX. It fits my bigger child well, isn’t overly heavy, easily adjustable, and installs like a breeze. The only downfall I’ve seen with it is that the harness can be difficult to tighten all the way. This is due to the harness routing through both the head support and shell thus adding a little extra friction. I’ve struggled with almost every no rethread harness rear facing only seat we’ve used with Anders though, so this wasn’t something overly different from normal. I love the longevity of this seat and would recommend it as a great option for parents/caregivers looking for a rear facing only seat that will last them as long as possible.
Discover the differences between Graco’s SnugRide lineup of car seats on our Graco Rear Facing Only Comparison.
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Graco graciously provided the SnugRide Click Connect 35 LX used in this review. As always, the opinions are our own. Originally written by Angela Tastad. Edits maintained by the CSFTL team.