Maxi – Cosi Pria 70 with TinyFit Review

Looking for a convertible that is easy to use from birth and can fit in a small space? The Maxi-Cosi Pria 70 with TinyFit is a great convertible seat that should fit your needs perfectly. The Pria 70 comes in two different models, with and without the TinyFit infant insert. This review will cover the model with the TinyFit.


LATCH: What’s the Deal with Weight Limits?

LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren) was phased in between 1999-2002 with the goal of giving parents a standard, foolproof method of installing their children’s seats. However, the advent of larger seats, and older children being restrained in those seats, has led to a concern that never occurred to the experts of 20 years ago; how much weight can those anchors actually bear in a crash?


Lifesavers 2015 – Day 1

Two of our members were lucky enough to be able travel to Chicago, Illinois this weekend to attend the 33rd Annual Lifesavers Convention. Lifesavers is an all-encompassing highway safety conference. Its attendees range from CPSTs to Highway Patrol.

Today we were lucky enough to hear from a variety of manufacturers about their latest updates and innovations.


How Do I Store My Unused Car Seats?

Now that your little has outgrown her seat, you may want to keep it safely stored away for future use. Unsure about how to do it properly? You’re not alone. While there is no one singular “correct method” for storing an unused restraint. Different things may work for your particular climate and storage space.