On June 18, 2015, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) released new ease of use ratings for LATCH. The most important point is that this is not a safety rating in any way, shape, or form. IIHS is merely discussing the ease of use and accessibility in 2015 vehicles.


2014 Year in Review

So, we’ve had a bit of a banner year, both for CSFTL and the Child Passenger Safety world in general.    The team left 2013 still finding its footing, moving from a loose structure  to a formal and incorporated one, with bylaws and an elected board of directors, and a carefully chosen mission statement.  

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65 is the new 70

Since 1970, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has been a driving force behind improvements to safety standards for automobiles. The agency is constantly working to move safety standards forward and help keep all of us safer on the roads.


2014 IIHS Booster Ratings

Since 2009, the IIHS (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety), has been annually releasing their booster ratings, based primarily on fit of the 6 year old dummy, and, as we all know, fit is the best indication of performance. No matter how much bling your booster has, if it doesn’t place the seatbelt properly on your child, it can’t do its job.