Evenflo Evolve Review

The Evenflo Transitions is the newest seat in the world of combination seats. It is a seat that offers a five point harness, a high back booster, and a backless booster. With several comfort and ease of use features, the Transitions is a wonderful option for keeping kids harnessed longer. Lets take a closer look at the seat.


Cosco Ambassador/Highrise Review

There are so many backless boosters, how do you choose the one that will work best for your not-so-Little? Maybe you have an older, bigger child who just isn’t ready to go without a booster. The Cosco Ambassador/Highrise is a booster that works well for bigger children and may be a great fit. Let’s check it out!


Eleven Years in a Car Seat!

Anyone who has been doing this kid thing for a while knows how much the world of car seats has changed even in the last decade, let alone the last twenty years. I’m the admin currently with the oldest “Little” so I’ve been at this for a while now. AJ is 11.5 years old now and I’ve been a Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) for almost nine years now; so I like to think I have a lot of real world experience when it comes to the changes that have been made over the years.


Cosco Stack-It! Review

There are so many backless boosters, how do you choose the one that will work best for your not so Little? Maybe you have an older, bigger child who just isn’t ready to go without a booster. The Stack-it! is a bigger booster that may be a great fit. Let’s check it out!


Jané Montecarlo R1 Review

For those who have been around the car seat world long enough, Jané is a familiar name. In 2003, Jané brought boosters with lower anchor capability to the US. Jané has been quiet for a while in the car seat world though, in the US anyways. They introduced the Montecarlo R1 to their European market and just now brought it here to the US. Let’s see what this new seat has to offer.


Booster Seats: the Science Junkie’s Guide

Last year, we discussed the science behind why rear facing is safer than forward facing for toddlers and children through four years of age. In this edition of the Science Junkie’s Guide, we will look at booster seats and why they are important for children all the way through puberty. We have also briefly touched on how boosters provide a better fit for children who are nearing the legal age or height to no longer need a booster seat.


Huggable Images Dolls Review

We would like to take this time to introduce the newest members of the CSFTL family.

These awesome additions were provided by Huggable Images, a company that makes safety training dolls and custom huggables. Huggable Images has given us the opportunity to take their dolls for a test drive and see what we think. You’ll be seeing these dolls in our reviews down the road to fill in the gaps where we don’t have children the correct age/size to fit the seat we’re reviewing. Today we’ll be looking at these dolls on their own to see how they stack up to real life children.