On our Facebook group, we’re often asked about whether or not certain seats can fit together. The short answer is almost always, “maybe, but it depends on a lot of factors.” We address a lot of the concerns, issues, and challenges in getting seats next to each other in our article: Your Guide to Three Across, so I won’t cover that here.
But one question we’re seeing an awful lot of is, do Britax ClickTight series Convertible car seats, such as the Britax ClickTight Advocate, Britax ClickTight Boulevard, or Britax ClickTight Marathon fit next to each other? Our best guess was “probably not.” This is an educated guess based on our collective years of experience as parents and as Child Passenger Safety Technicians.
Just to be sure, we tried installing a Britax ClickTight Boulevard next to a Britax ClickTight Marathon seats next to each other in the 3rd row of a 2010 Honda Odyssey.
At first glance, the seats sort of appear to fit. When seats puzzle properly, each seat is independently tight, would that be the case here?
Hey! That would be great! We would love to be wrong in our assertion that the two seats wouldn’t fit next to each other when installed.
While the two car seats sort of fit, a closer look shows that they really don’t. The outboard seat fits just fine, but placing another ClickTight convertible seat right next to it pushes the second seat over the edge of the seat.
Let’s take a closer look.
Here we see that the second seat doesn’t have room to sit fully on the car’s seat . It can be buckled but the buckle sits underneath the ClickTight Boulevard convertible seat. The seat belt had to wrap around the base of the seat in order to be buckled, which does not make for a proper or safe installation.
For our final look, we see a closer look at that overhang.

A final look at that overhang shows that it’s not possible to get two Britax ClickTight convertible seats next to each other. At least not in this vehicle!
This little exercise (what? not everyone installs car seats for fun?) made it clear to us that our assertion that two Britax ClickTight convertible car seats can’t be installed next to each other correctly.
It’s quite likely that a ClickTight convertible could puzzle next to a seat that sits lower, such as a Harmony Defender or Diono Radian, but not next to another ClickTight convertible.
Three Across
When we tried to install two of these seats next to each other in this Honda Odyssey, the seat in the middle hung over the side of the car’s seat. So putting them next to each other in this vehicle wasn’t an option.
However, It’s very likely that these seats would work in a three across situation, especially when they aren’t right next to each other and a seat with lower sides is between them.
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