We hear it all the time. “I’m a good driver so I don’t need to worry about car seat safety.” In theory, this is an excellent idea. In practice, however, being a good driver is not enough to protect yourself or your precious cargo.
There are many steps you can take to be a safe driver. Be aware of your surroundings. Turn your phone off so you aren’t distracted by it. Don’t drive while you’re tired. Stay home when the weather conditions make the roads unpredictable. Maybe you do these things, but is everyone on the road taking those same precautions?

Photo Courtesy of NHSTA
In 2009, there were 33,808 accident related fatalities. 10,591 of those involved speed. That includes not following the posted speed limit, or driving too fast for the conditions. While you may be a law abiding citizen, is the person in the car behind you? Is everyone on the road during that blizzard going to drive accordingly? These are all things that we don’t have control over.

Photo courtesy of NHSTA
16% of those accidents in 2009 were a result of “distraction,” distraction being anything that takes the person’s attention away from the road. That cell phone you stowed at the beginning of your trip is fantastic! But that person that just ran that red light because they were checking their email doesn’t seem to have the same safe driving values as you do.

Photo courtesy of NHSTA
The most startling statistic of all is that 32% of all fatal accidents are caused by drunk driving. This one hits me very close to home. When I was a young child, a close friend of mine was killed by a drunk driver. Her parents were “good drivers.” They were on their way to church, when a drunk driver ran through a stop sign and hit their car, killing her instantly. You can be the safest driver in the world, with a perfect driving record. That doesn’t change the fact that Bob is coming home from the bar after having too many drinks, and doesn’t see the street light that changed to red.
Here are some ways to keep your children safer in the vehicle:
- Make sure your child is in the right car seat for their age, weight and height.
- Make sure their car seat or booster seat is used properly.
- Visit a Child Passenger Safety Technician. You can find one here.

Photo courtesy of NHSTA
Statistics retrieved from: US Census Bureau: Transportation: Motor Vehicle Accidents and Fatalities