Maxi-Cosi RodiSport Booster Seat Review

The name Rodi isn’t particularly new, we first met previous incarnations of this booster seat when it was the RodiFix and RodiAP, both of which were fan favorites in my house at the time. The Rodi AP won the popularity contest by a hair because it converted to a backless booster seat that worked well

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Car Seat Basics: Newborns and Car Seats

That first trip home with your newborn baby can be so daunting. Here you’ve just gone through an overwhelming yet exhilarating experience by adding a tiny new member to your family, now you’re expected to safely transport that tiny new human on a regular basis. This is absolutely where we come in, your friends here

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400,00 Members Giveaway Home

We’re so excited to have reached this major milestone — 400,000 members in our Facebook group. Many of our manufacturer partners have joined the party and are helping us give away a lot of great car seats and accessories over the coming weeks.  This page will serve as the home for our giveaways so you

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If you’ve been with us for a minute, you might have noticed that we’re pretty particular about following best practice and advocating that caregivers choose the safest option.  You may have also noticed that while we review a rather large number of car seats and booster seats, we remain pretty focused on spending time with

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Kindergartners and the Drop Off Line

Parenting is a series of firsts (and lasts). From that first diaper change to the first ride in the car all the way to their first time behind the wheel and beyond, the journey is packed with unfamiliar experiences. Taking your kiddo to kindergarten is no exception. While we can’t guide you through the process

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